Translation for "churchilljoki" to english
Translation examples
Suuret järvet, Nipigonjärvi, Churchilljoki ja Saint Johnin joki ovat muita tärkeitä Atlantin vedenjakajan järviä ja jokia.
The Churchill River and Saint John River are other important elements of the Atlantic watershed in Canada.[42
Manitoban tärkeimpiä jokia ovat Redjoki, Assiniboinejoki, Nelsonjoki, Winnipegjoki, Hayesjoki, Whiteshelljoki ja Churchilljoki.
Major watercourses include the Red, Assiniboine, Nelson, Winnipeg, Hayes, Whiteshell and Churchill rivers.
Järvi laskee pääosin etelään Reindeer River -joen kautta Churchilljokeen, joka virtaa edelleen itään Hudsoninlahteen.
It drains mainly to the south, via the Reindeer River and a controlled weir, to the Churchill River and then east to Hudson Bay.
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