Translation for "cattonista" to english
  • catton
Translation examples
Cattonin toinen romaani Valontuojat ilmestyi 2013.
Catton's second novel, The Luminaries, was published in 2013.
Kyseiset käsitteet hän on lainannut William R. Cattonin teoksesta Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change.
The preceding strategies are adapted from William Catton's Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change.
Cattonin tärkein tieteellinen vaikutus on sellaisen tutkimuksellisen viitekehyksen muodostaminen, joka yhdistää sosiologisen ja ekologisen teorian.
Catton’s primary contribution is the trailblazing articulation of an environmental sociological framework that challenged existing sociological theories in general from a completely different tack: by synthesizing sociological and ecological theory.
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