Translation for "bromit" to english
Translation examples
Halogeeniatomi on kloori, jodi tai bromi.
Halogen atoms include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
Luonnon bromi on seos kahdesta isotoopista: 79Br ja 81Br.
Bromine has two stable isotopes, 79Br and 81Br.
Otsonia voivat tuhota useat kemialliset radikaalit, joista tärkeimmät ovat hydroksyyli (OH), typpioksidi (NO) sekä atomaarinen kloori (Cl), bromi (Br) ja vety (H).
Ozone can be destroyed by a number of free radical catalysts; the most important are the hydroxyl radical (OH·), nitric oxide radical (NO·), chlorine radical (Cl·) and bromine radical (Br·).
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