Translation for "blogannut" to english
Translation examples
Negreanu on blogannut FullContactin pokerisivustolla jo monta vuotta, ja hänen bloginsa sisältää paljon viihdyttävää tietoa.
Negreanu has been blogging on the FullContact poker website for many years now and his blog contains a huge amount of entertaining information.
Turvapaikan saaneen saksalaisen kotiopetuksen valinneen parin tapaus, josta Ed West on viime aikoina blogannut, muuttuu yhä mielenkiintoisemmaksi jos lukee Romekeseille turvapaikan myöntäneen miehen, Maahanmuuttot
The case of the homeschooling couple from Germany who were granted political asylum in the United States, about which Ed West blogged recently, becomes even more interesting if one reads the remarks of the man who granted the Romeikes asylum, Immigration Judge Lawrence O. Burman, of Memphis, Tennessee.
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