Translation for "bannockburnista" to english
  • bannockburn
Translation examples
Robert Bruce otti ratkaisevan voiton Englannista Bannockburnin taistelussa, ja Skotlanti sai itsenäisyytensä takaisin.
Bruce later triumphed at the Battle of Bannockburn and led Scotland to independence.
Robert Bruce otti ratkaisevan voiton Englannista Bannockburnin taistelussa 1314.
Robert the Bruce led the Scottish army at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 where the English were defeated.
Skotlannin itsenäisyyssodassa Cameronit taistelivat Robert Brucen johtamina englantilaisia vastaan Bannockburnin taistelussa.
During the Wars of Scottish Independence the Campbells fought for Scotland against the English at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
1314 – Bannockburnin taistelu: Robert I:n johtamat skotlantilaiset joukot kukistivat Edvard II:n joukot.
June 24 – Battle of Bannockburn: Scottish forces led by Robert the Bruce defeat Edward II of England, regaining Scotland's independence.
Kuudes High Steward -titteliä kantanut, Walter Stewart (1293-1326) oli nainut Skotlannin kuninkaan Robert Brucen tyttären ja esitti tärkeää osaa Bannockburnin taistelussa.
The sixth High Steward of Scotland, Walter Stewart (1293–1326), married Marjorie, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and also played an important part in the Battle of Bannockburn gaining further favour.
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