Translation for "apellensa" to english
Translation examples
Toisten lähteiden mukaan varakas Leopold Wilhelm osti mainittuna päivämääränä Kiiskilän apeltaan.
Other sources state that the affluent Leopold Wilhelm purchased the property from his father-in-law on the same day.
Niin jutteli Moses apellensa kaikki, mitä Herra
And Moses told his father-in-law all that Jehovah had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake; all the trouble that had befallen them on the way, and {how} Jehovah had delivered them.
Ja Mooses kertoi apellensa kaikki, mitä Herra o
Moses then told his father-in-law of all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for the sake of Israel, and of all the hardships they had had to endure on their journey, and how the LORD had come to their rescue.
18:8 Niin jutteli Moses apellensa kaikki, mitä Herra tehnyt oli Pharaolle, ja Egyptilä
18:8 And Moses gave his father-in-law an account of all the Lord had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians because of Israel, and of all the troubles which had come on them by the way, and how the Lord had given them salvation.
Ja Mooses kertoi apellensa kaikki, mitä Herra oli tehnyt faraolle ja egyptiläisille Israelin tähden, ja kaikki ne vaikeudet, jotka heitä olivat kohdanneet matkalla, ja kuinka Herra oli pelastanut heidät.
And Moses told his father-in-law all that Jehovah had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake; all the trouble that had befallen them on the way, and [how
8. Mooses kertoi apelleen kaikesta, mitä Herra oli tehnyt faraolle ja egyptiläisille Israelin tähden, sekä kaikista vaikeuksista, jotka olivat kohdanneet heitä matkalla, ja kuinka Herra oli pelastanut heidät.
8Moses then told his father-in-law all that Yahweh had done to Pharaoh and Egypt for the sake of Israel and all the difficulties they had met with on the way and how Yahweh had saved them.
8 Ja Mooses kertoi apellensa kaikki, mitä Herra oli tehnyt faraolle ja egyptiläisille Israelin tähden, ja kaikki ne vaikeudet, jotka heitä olivat kohdanneet matkalla, ja kuinka Herra oli pelastanut heidät.
8 And Moses told his father-in-law all that the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them.
Iksion meni naimisiin Dian, Deioneuksen tyttären kanssa, ja lupasi apelleen arvokkaan lahjan.
Ixion married Dia, a daughter of Deioneus (or Eioneus) and promised his father-in-law a valuable present.
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