Translation for "algebrallinen" to english
Translation examples
Viisi Laskin tapa: yksinkertainen, algebrallinen, suora algebrallinen, ilmaisun ja RPN.
Five calculator modes: simple, algebraic, direct algebraic, expression, and RPN.
Vuonna [Algebrallinen Pinnoissa
In [Algebraic Surfaces
(Katso algebrallinen sulkeuma ja algebran peruslause).
(See Algebraic closure and Fundamental theorem of algebra.)
Mori teosten algebrallinen geometria.
Mori works on algebraic geometry .
Se oli paljon kasvi-ja harpoon, algebrallinen topologia osaksi elin, whale, algebrallinen geometria.
It was my lot to plant the harpoon of algebraic topology into the body of the whale of algebraic geometry.
... hänen perustavaa tutkimusta algebrallinen geometria.
... for his fundamental research in algebraic geometry.
Se tuli puitteissa algebrallinen lukuteoria.
It became the framework of algebraic number theory.
Hänen tärkein työ oli algebrallinen geometria.
His main work was in algebraic geometry.
Sain, mitä tuli Real Algebrallinen Manifolds.
I got what became Real Algebraic Manifolds.
Hän työskenteli algebrallinen K-teoria algebraic ryhmä toimia järjestelmiä.
He worked on the algebraic K-theory of algebraic group actions on schemes.
Sekä algebrallinen geometria että algebrallinen lukuteoria rakentuu vaihdannaisen algebran päälle.
Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra.
Olkoon K algebrallinen lukukunta.
Let K be an algebraic number field.
Hänen alaansa on algebrallinen geometria.
Her research area is algebraic geometry.
Jokaisella kunnalla on olemassa algebrallinen laajennus, joka on algebrallisesti suljettu ja jota kutsutaan algebralliseksi sulkeumaksi.
Any algebraic extension of a quasi-algebraically closed field is quasi-algebraically closed.
Esimerkiksi algebrallisten lukujen kunta on rationaalilukujen ääretön algebrallinen laajennus.
For instance, the field of all algebraic numbers is an infinite algebraic extension of the rational numbers.
Algebrallinen lukuteoria on lukuteorian osa-alue, joka tutkii algebrallisia lukuja.
The fundamental problem of algebraic number theory is to describe the fields of algebraic numbers.
Hänen työskentelyalojaan olivat topologia, kompleksiset monistot ja algebrallinen geometria.
His research focused on complex variables and algebraic topology.
Algebrallinen topologia on matematiikan osa-alue, jossa topologisia avaruuksia tutkitaan abstraktin algebran keinoin.
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics that uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces.
Laajennus L/K on algebrallinen jos ja vain jos jokainen L:n ali-K-algebra on kunta.
An extension L/K is algebraic if and only if every sub K-algebra of L is a field.
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