Translation for "young unmarried woman" to spanish
Young unmarried woman
Translation examples
What was both Catholic and Italian in the Saetta family had driven the young, unmarried woman north to New Hampshire;
Lo que tenía de católico e italiano la familia Saetta era precisamente lo que había empujado a la joven soltera a marcharse al norte de New Hampshire;
Butler believed that a careful reading of the Odyssey could prove that the author was, not a blind male bard, but a young unmarried woman, and a native of Sicily. He placed her life roughly between 1050 and 1000 BC and argued that she had before her, while she worked, Homer’s Iliad from which, from time to time, ‘she quoted freely’.
En su opinión, una lectura detenida de la Odisea podía demostrar que el autor no era un bardo ciego, sino una joven soltera nacida en Sicilia que habría vivido aproximadamente entre los años 1050 y 1000 a. C., y que mientras componía su poema habría tenido delante la Ilíada de Homero, la cual «citaba profusamente».
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