Translation for "you refuse me" to spanish
You refuse me
Translation examples
Yet perversity touched him. “No.” “You refuse me?”
Sin embargo, tuvo un toque de perversidad. —No. —¿Me rechazas?
And if you refuse me, then let me die with Bianca!
Si me rechazas, deja que muera junto a Bianca.
I arranged for your brother to be sent to this country the night you refused me.
La noche que usted me rechazó conseguí que enviasen aquí a su hermano.
His expression hardened. “If you refuse me now, I will Turn everyone you love to Endarkened Ones, and then Turn you last, that you might be forced to watch them change when you can still feel the pain of it.”
—Si me rechazas ahora, transformaré a todos los que amas en Oscurecidos, y a ti te dejaré para el final, para que tengas que verlos Cambiar cuando aún te cause dolor.
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