Translation for "yellow-painted" to spanish
Translation examples
Yellow-painted brick walls marked with graffiti were on each side of him.
Estaba flanqueado por paredes de ladrillo pintadas de amarillo con grafitis.
clinging to the underbelly of each of the two aircraft is a yellow-painted missile.
colgado del vientre de cada uno de los dos aviones hay un misil pintado de amarillo.
As he passed the yellow-painted facade of Popaul’s, the owner recognized him.
Pasó ante la fachada pintada de amarillo de «Casa Popaul» y el dueño le reconoció;
His face was hideous with Auntie Puss’s handiwork, and his hair was streaked with yellow paint.
La tiíta Puss lo había dejado horrible y tenía el pelo pintado de amarillo.
He was drenched, his face was smeared with makeup, and there was yellow paint in his hair.
Estaba empapado, tenía la cara llena de churretones de maquillaje y el pelo pintado de amarillo.
Norman saw a single cylinder of yellow-painted steel, and bright portholes.
Norman contempló un solo cilindro de acero, pintado de amarillo, con portillas brillantes.
Four tears dropped to star the yellow-painted railing, but no more.
A Livia Drusa le brotaron cuatro escuetas lágrimas, que cayeron sobre la barandilla pintada de amarillo.
Savagely he rammed his thumb into the bell-push of the yellow-painted front door.
Con rudeza apretó el dedo pulgar en el timbre de la puerta pintada de amarillo.
She was lying faceup on a bed inside a glowing, yellow-painted room.
Recobró el conocimiento acostada boca arriba en una cama, dentro de un cuarto reluciente y pintado de amarillo.
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