Translation for "written this" to spanish
Translation examples
Further written statements
Otros escritos
Written statements
Exposiciones escritas
This is without prejudice to non-written materials that could be provided to supplement the written submissions;
Esto no obsta para que se proporcione material no escrito para complementar las comunicaciones escritas;
Fourteen States offered their written comments on the written statements by States and the written contribution by the authors of the declaration of independence.
Catorce Estados facilitaron sus comentarios escritos sobre las declaraciones escritas de los Estados y la contribución escrita de los autores de la declaración de independencia.
It has been written that:
Como se ha escrito,
Have you written this?
iHas escrito esto?
Who else would have written this?
¿Quién más habría escrito esto?
Who'd have written this?
¿Quién habrá escrito esto?
I have never written this?
Nunca he escrito esto.
Paul couldn't have written this!
¡Paul no pudo haber escrito esto!
I could have written this myself.
Yo mismo podría haber escrito esto.
Who could have written this?
¿Quién podría haber escrito esto?
- Has Siddarth written this?
- ¿Siddarth ha escrito esto?
I've written this for your father.
He escrito esto para tu padre.
but - what is written, is written.
pero lo escrito, escrito está.
What I have written is written.
Lo que he escrito, escrito está.
What is written in the stars is written.
Lo que está escrito en las estrellas escrito está.
If it were written, then written it was, and there was no defense against that.
Lo que estaba escrito, estaba escrito, y no había forma de defenderse de eso.
I've written this destiny that you will be married to me-
Yo he escrito este destino que tú te casarías conmigo.
Destiny's already written this chapter.
El destino ya ha escrito este capítulo. Debes actuar de manera positiva.
The one who has written this book.
El que ha escrito este libro.
I've written this draft as the announcement for the press.
He escrito este borrador de lo que voy a comunicar a la prensa.
I've written this advertisement I plan to put in the Toronto Telegram.
He escrito este anuncio... que planeo poner en el Toronto Telegram.
I haven't written this one down yet.
Todavía no he escrito este.
I had written this poem for Captain John.
Había escrito este poema para el Capitán John.
In fact, she's written this ad.
De hecho, ella ha escrito este anuncio.
I can't believe John Grisham hasn't written this book.
No puedo creer que John Grisham no haya escrito este libro.
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