Translation for "word or sentence" to spanish
Translation examples
Where text from the original treaty has been removed, the words or sentences removed will only be represented by (deleted) in bold typeface.
Cuando se suprime texto del tratado original, las palabras o frases eliminadas sólo estarán representadas por "(suprimido)", en negritas.
A fantasy reality, where meaning is distorted, when words or sentences arrive in any bite-size forms and are taken out of context, alongside emotionally charged images.
Una realidad de fantasía, donde el significado está distorsionado, cuando palabras o frases llegan en pequeños fragmentos de todo tipo y se sacan fuera de contexto, acompañando a imágenes cargadas emocionalmente.
The words, the sentences were jammed and awkward.
Las palabras, las frases, salían a borbotones, con torpeza.
What word or sentence, what series of words or sentences had so enraged him that he lost control of himself and pushed Bobby to the ground?
¿Qué palabra o frase, qué serie de palabras o frases le había enfurecido tanto como para perder el dominio de sí mismo y tirar a Bobby al suelo de un empellón?
When we did, we used words and sentences like anybody else.
Cuando hablábamos utilizábamos palabras y frases como todo el mundo.
his words and sentences were just as careful and deliberate as the man himself.
con palabras y frases tan cuidadas y prudentes como él mismo.
He means the Word: the sentence that, when uttered, would destroy the mind of the listener.
Se refiere a la Palabra: la frase que, cuando se pronuncia, destruye la mente de quien la escucha.
Yes, sir. A palindrome is a word or sentence that is spelled the same forward or backward.
—Sí, señor. Un palíndromo es una palabra o frase que se lee igual al derecho que al revés.
It was as though she was diving into the screen, being converted into the words and sentences she had read there.
Tenía la impresión de sumergirse en la pantalla, de metamorfosearse en palabras y frases que había leído.
The blocks go by, and words and sentences begin to fill the clean white page.
Las manzanas de casas van desfilando y palabras y frases van llenando la limpia hoja en blanco.
Sometimes a word, a sentence, or a glimpse of memory from home would overcome me unexpectedly and stir me deeply.
A veces, una palabra, una frase o una sombra de casa resurgen y me agitan.
he opened and closed his mouth to talk but he couldn’t sort the words into sentences any more.
abría y cerraba la boca para hablar, pero ya no podía organizar las palabras en frases.
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