Translation for "woman who looked" to spanish
Translation examples
the woman who looked at the stars and dreamt of travelling.
La mujer que miraba hacia las estrellas y soñaba con viajar.
On the face of every woman who looked upon him he saw aversion antipathy, repugnance, and rejection.
En el rostro de todas las mujeres que miraba veía la aversión, la antipatía, la repugnancia y el rechazamiento.
Ben saw a woman who looked like a fish.
Ben vió a una mujer que parecía un pez.
That this woman, who looked as fertile as the Tennessee valley, could not bear children.
Esta mujer que parecía fértil como el valle del Tennessee no podía concebir.
He turned and faced the woman, who looked disappointed.
Se giró y se encontró con la mujer, que pareció llevarse un chasco.
Her mother was a beautiful and cultured woman who looked as if she were Spanish.
Su madre era una hermosa y culta mujer que parecía española.
Between them and slightly forward was a woman who looked like a man, and an ugly, mean man at that.
Entre ambos y ligeramente adelantada se encontraba una mujer que parecía un hombre y, si a eso vamos, era un hombre feo y repugnante.
 He didn’t see Cadell within himself again, or Phelan, or a woman who looked like a goddess with auburn hair.
No volvió a ver a Cadell en su interior, ni a Phelan, ni a una mujer que parecía una diosa con el cabello caoba.
Light silhouetted the beautiful woman who looked Chinese but wasn't and the man as they peered out of their luxury apartment window from high above.
La luz silueteaba a la bella mujer que parecía china pero no lo era y al hombre, asomados a la ventana de su lujoso apartamento de las alturas.
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