Translation for "wine-coloured" to spanish
Translation examples
The blackberries were hard and wine-coloured.
Las moras estaban duras y eran de color vino.
a man in wine-coloured velvet asked.
—preguntó un hombre vestido con terciopelo color vino.
This one had a wine-coloured back and bright green head and tail.
Esta última tenía el lomo color vino, y la cabeza y la cola de color verde claro.
The chair and large settee were of grey suede and the hangings were wine coloured.
Los sillones y el gran sofá eran de cuero gris, y las colgaduras, color vino.
Her mouth was neither crimson nor scarlet, but a subdued wine colour.
Su boca no era carmínea ni de un vivo color escarlata, sino de un leve tono de color vino.
A stunning wine-coloured 1940s Tucker with chrome wheels slept inside that cave.
Un deslumbrante Tucker de los años cincuenta color vino y de llantas cromadas dormía en el interior de aquella caverna.
The horizon was still etched in a faint glow, and stars began to blink on in the deep, wine-coloured sky.
El horizonte aún estaba ribeteado de una pálida luz, pero en aquel cielo teñido de un profundo color vino empezaban a brillar ya las estrellas.
His long coat was wine-coloured, and his sash the same, though in a deeper tone, and there was lace at his throat, and at his wrists.
Llevaba una casaca de color vino, como la faja, aunque más oscura, y encaje en el cuello y en las muñecas.
A couple of the wine-coloured streaks turned out to be surface only – dried bloodstains that I rubbed off with a wet finger.
Un par de las vetas de color vino resultaron ser sólo superficiales, manchas de sangre secas que quité frotando con un dedo húmedo.
They sped above a wine coloured stand of flowers that exploded in white, as seed pods were thrown skyward to drift upon the breeze of their passing.
Pasaron por encima de unas flores color vino que explotaron, expulsando semillas para que fueran arrastradas por la brisa levantada por su paso.
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