Translation for "widely as" to spanish
Translation examples
The reports are widely distributed.
Estos informes se distribuyen ampliamente.
Many stakeholders reported that the technical guidance has not been widely disseminated and thus is not widely known.
61. Muchos interesados informaron de que las orientaciones técnicas no se han difundido ampliamente y por lo tanto no son ampliamente conocidas.
That proposal was also widely supported.
Esta propuesta también fue ampliamente respaldada.
The proceedings were widely distributed.
Se distribuyeron ampliamente las actuaciones.
The proposal of deletion was widely accepted.
Esa propuesta fue ampliamente aceptada.
Wide dissemination of the outcomes is needed.
Hay que difundir ampliamente los resultados.
French is widely used.
El francés se utiliza ampliamente.
English is widely used.
El inglés se utiliza ampliamente.
Both were widely disseminated.
Ambos fueron difundidos ampliamente.
This was widely recognized.
Esto era ampliamente reconocido.
Tino smiled widely.
Tino sonrió ampliamente.
Tristran grinned widely.
Tristran sonrió ampliamente.
Omen smiled widely.
Omen sonrió ampliamente.
Sackville smiled widely.
Sackvil e sonrió ampliamente.
Their professions varied widely;
Sus profesiones variaban ampliamente;
Tomas smiled widely.
Tomás sonrió ampliamente.
Bêlit grinned wide.
Bélit sonrió ampliamente.
Steiger gave a wide grin.
Steiger sonrió ampliamente.
therefore the accolade is widely sought.
por lo tanto la incorporación es ampliamente buscada.
All right, in the meantime, make sure we've distributed the description of Jackson's girl as widely as possible.
Vale, en tanto, asegúrese de distribuir la descripción de la Chica de Jackson lo más ampliamente posible.
Circulate the sketch as widely as possible.
Hagan circular el identikit lo más ampliamente posible.
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