Translation for "wetnurse" to spanish
Translation examples
At least he’s done with the wetnurse.
Por lo menos ha terminado con la nodriza.
Giddily, and with her pupils distended, she would gasp to Eugenia’s wetnurse, ‘Wash my arms! Look! Look!
Aturdida, y con las pupilas dilatadas, jadeaba dirigiéndose a la nodriza de Eugenia: «¡Lávame los brazos! ¡Mira! ¡Mira! ¡Las manchas me devoran los brazos!».
His little ones were passed from hand to hand, from wetnurse, to nanny, to nursemaid, they were wheeled in perambulators and fed with bottles and spoons.
A sus pequeñas se las pasaban de mano en mano, de la nodriza a la niñera, las llevaban en cochecitos y las alimentaban con frascos y cucharillas.
Asses' milk and goats' milk are best for babies, she always said, if their own mother's milk fails and the wetnurse can't be got quickly enough.
Siempre había asegurado que la leche de burra y la de cabra eran las mejores para la crianza si fallaba la madre natural y no se podía encontrar a una nodriza.
But Eugenia da Silva clung to life and greedily took the teat of her wetnurse, though, at the same time, her mother had daydreams of falling into a slimy pit.
Pero Eugenia da Silva se aferró a la vida y se prendió ávidamente al pezón de su nodriza, aunque, al mismo tiempo, su madre fantaseaba que caía en un hoyo legamoso.
With striking perseverance he tried to be everything in relation to Russian writers of his time—a father, a godfather, a nurse, a wetnurse, a prison warden, and a literary critic all rolled up in one.
Con notable perseverancia, intentó serlo todo para los escritores rusos de su tiempo: padre, padrino, ama seca, nodriza, carcelero y crítico literario, todo en una pieza.
The little girls were being suckled by a wetnurse, Peggy Madden, who did not resemble William’s fantasies of such a person, which were of someone Junoesque and everywhere abundant and generous, with ample arms and ample lap, as well as the capacious bosom.
A las niñitas las amamantaba una nodriza, Peggy Madden, que no se correspondía en absoluto con las fantasías de William al respecto, quien se imaginaba una mujer de imponente aspecto, toda abundancia y generosidad, con los brazos gordos y el regazo amplio, además del pecho capaz.
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