Translation for "were writer" to spanish
Translation examples
In China, for example, more than 20 writers and journalists were still being held in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while in Cuba more than 70 dissidents, 34 of whom were writers, journalists and librarians, had been arrested in April 2003 for subversion, owing to their alleged links with United States agents in Havana, and had been given exceptionally harsh prison sentences.
Por ejemplo, en China hay más de 20 escritores y periodistas que siguen detenidos en violación de las disposiciones de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, y en Cuba hay más de 70 disidentes, 34 de ellos escritores, periodistas y bibliotecarios, que fueron detenidos en abril de 2003 por subversión debido a sus supuestos vínculos con agentes de los Estados Unidos en La Habana y que han sido condenados a penas de prisión extremadamente duras.
Is it true your parents were writers?
¿Es verdad que tus padres fueron escritores?
Many of the friends were writers.
Muchos de sus amigos fueron escritores.
That's how it will be, my ancestors were writers, after all.
Así será, mis ancestros eran escritores al fin y al cabo.
Strangler had no agent and none of the other poker players were writers, and so had no particular interest in or knowledge of his progress.
Strangler no tenía agente y los otros jugadores no eran escritores así que no tenían un interés especial ni conocimiento de su escritura.
Her parents were writers.
Sus padres eran escritores.
The Gospelers were writers.
Los evangelistas eran escritores.
These guests were writers and scholars.
Los invitados eran escritores y eruditos.
Both of the Burkes were writers. Mrs.
Tanto su padre como su madre eran escritores.
Many of them were writers whom no one else in publishing had believed in at first.
Muchos eran escritores en los que nadie más del mundo editorial había creído de entrada.
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