Translation for "were understood" to spanish
Translation examples
But apparently the words were understood by whatever force controlled the green gem.
Pero aparentemente las palabras que pronunció fueron entendidas por la fuerza que controlaba la gema verde.
One purpose of today's meeting had been to ensure that actions to be taken in event of a sudden crisis were understood, and communications functioning.
El propósito de la reunión de hoy era asegurar que las acciones que debían tomarse en caso de una crisis seria fueran entendidas, y que las comunicaciones funcionaran.
If Empire was about the heroic American figure—solid, rooted in tradition, tactile and analog—then post-Empire was about people who were understood to be ephemeral right away;
Si el Imperio se relacionaba con el héroe americano —sólido, enraizado en la tradición, táctil y analógico—, en el Postimperio prima la gente que se entiende efímera desde el principio;
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