Translation for "were thrown" to spanish
Translation examples
Tater tots were thrown, tears were shed.
Tater Tots fueron arrojados , las lágrimas se derramaron .
The slaves were thrown into the waters chained together as one.
Los esclavos fueron arrojados al agua encadenados todos juntos.
Hundreds of thousands more were thrown into concentration camps.
Cientos de miles más fueron arrojado a los campos de concentración.
Let us part company with any claim that actual persons were thrown overboard.
Dejemos aparte cualquier alegato de que personas reales fueron arrojadas por la borda.
Six of those women were thrown overboard on the way.
Seis de esas mujeres fueron arrojadas por la borda.
Their bodies were thrown into a mine shaft.
Sus cuerpos fueron arrojados a un pozo de la mina.
Me and Nick were thrown all around that bathroom.
Yo y Nick fueron arrojados en todo ese cuarto de baño.
The bodies of four Palestinians were thrown out of the windows, lynched and burned this morning, then...
Esta mañana los cadáveres de cuatro palestinos fueron arrojados por la ventana, linchados y quemados.
If those body parts were thrown from the car,
Si esas partes del cuerpo fueron arrojadas del auto.
Fewer were thrown in the hole than you think.
Menos de los que piensas fueron arrojados al agujero.
In a flash, they were thrown into Shadesmar.
Con un fogonazo todos fueron arrojados a Shadesmar.
The men were thrown to the deck.
Los hombres fueron arrojados sobre la cubierta.
And their bodies were thrown overboard.
y sus cuerpos fueron arrojados por la borda.
“Weren’t they the men who were thrown into the fire?”
¿No eran esos hombres los que fueron arrojados al fuego?
The corpses were thrown into the nearest river.
Los cadáveres fueron arrojados al río más próximo.
Their cellphones were thrown onto a garbage pile.
Sus celulares fueron arrojados a una pila de basura.
Two of the rowers were thrown from their benches.
Dos remeros fueron arrojados de sus bancadas.
The explosion was so big that people standing by the window were thrown onto the street.
La explosión fue tan grande que la gente cerca de las ventanas fueron lanzados a la calle.
Insults were exchanged, punches were thrown.
Se intercambiaron Insultos, golpes fueron lanzados.
"They were thrown into a country where bribery, corruption, "profiteering and drugs were no less common "than the long lines in Soviet stores.
Fueron lanzados a un país en el que el soborno, la corrupción, la especulación y las drogas no eran menos comunes que las largas colas en las tiendas soviéticas
'"Two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur.
"Dos de ellos fueron lanzados vivos al lago ardiente de fuego y azufre".
The fireworks were thrown in earlier, weren't they?
Los fuegos artificiales fueron lanzados antes, ¿no?
My wife and son were thrown to the fire by Turks.
Mi mujer y mi hijo fueron lanzados al fuego por los turcos.
In order to be protected, the craziest chappa they were thrown against the invaders.
A fin de protegerse, los chappa más locos fueron lanzados contra los invasores.
That that great dragon was cast out, the old serpent called the Devil and Satan who seduceth the whole world... And he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Y el gran dragón fue echado, la gran serpiente llamada Diablo y Satanás, que sedujo al mundo entero y fue lanzado a la tierra, y sus Ángeles fueron lanzados con él.
They were thrown into the cacti and the low walls.
Fueron lanzados sobre los cactus.
Neptune and Uranus were thrown into much higher orbits, and they even switched places.
Neptuno y Urano fueron lanzados hacia órbitas mucho mayores, e incluso se intercambiaron de lugar.
One was opened, and they were thrown inside.
Una fue abierta, y fueron lanzados adentro.
They were thrown against pillows and deck.
Fueron lanzados contra las almohadas y la cubierta.
Again, they were thrown against the webbing.
De nuevo, fueron lanzados contra el objeto.
An instant later Puller, Cole, and Trent were thrown twenty feet in the air.
Un instante después, los tres fueron lanzados por el aire hasta una altura de seis metros.
Floors and walls shuddered and the guests were thrown in heaps along with furniture and decorations.
Los suelos y las paredes temblaron, y los invitados fueron lanzados en montones junto con el mobiliario y decorados.
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