Translation for "were operational" to spanish
Translation examples
The Joint Mechanism remained in the initial operating capability phase; only its headquarters and sector headquarters in Kadugli and its sector headquarters in Gok Machar were operational.
Durante este período el Mecanismo Conjunto siguió en la etapa de capacidad operativa inicial, manteniendo operativos solo su cuartel general y sus cuarteles generales de los sectores de Kadugli y Gok Machar.
There were only three companies that were operating on that day.
Solo tres empresas estaban operativas aquel día.
None of the drives were operational, and the smartcore didn't know why.
Ninguno de los motores estaba operativo y el núcleo inteligente no sabía por qué.
His scanners were operational, ready to lock on to their target, as soon as he discovered Dante’s whereabouts.
Los escáneres estaban operativos, listos para apuntar a su objetivo, en cuanto supiera dónde estaba.
If they were operational it meant that Neal had orders to take the operation into an active phase.
Si estaban operativos, significaba que Neal había recibido órdenes de llevar el trabajo a fase activa.
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