Translation for "were injured" to spanish
Translation examples
9 team members were injured.
9 miembros del equipo fueron heridos.
Twelve people were injured.
Doce personas fueron heridas.
several suspects and pedestrians were injured
Varios sospechosos y peatones fueron heridos.
Apparently, four U.S. citizens were injured in the attack.
Cuatro ciudadanos americanos fueron heridos de gravedad.
Hundreds were injured, seven died here.
Cientos fueron heridos, siete murieron allí.
Three policemen were injured in skirmishes.
Tres policías fueron heridos en las escaramuzas.
A great number of innocent people, police officers and firemen were injured.
policías y bomberos fueron heridos.
But still, some persons were injured and...
Pero aún así, algunas personas fueron heridas y...
Two calves were injured.
Una vaca resulto muerta. Dos terneros fueron heridos.
Several workers were injured...
Varios trabajadores fueron heridos...
More than a dozen people were injured. Eight of them remain hospitalized today.
Más de 12 personas fueron lesionadas, 8 permanecen en el hospital.
9 people died, hundreds were injured.
9 personas murieron, cientos fueron lesionadas.
Four soldiers were injured.
Cuatro soldados resultaron heridos.
Several crewmen were injured.
Varios tripulantes resultaron heridos.
Yes, people were injured.
Sí, personas resultaron heridas.
- Several people were injured.
- Varias personas resultaron heridas.
Three guards were injured. Sir.
Tres guardias resultaron heridos, Sr.
550 police officers were injured.
550 oficiales de policía resultaron heridos.
And many people were injured.
Y muchas personas resultaron heridas.
Many others were injured.
Otras muchas personas resultaron heridas.
Wolf and another man were injured.
Wolf y otro hombre resultaron heridos.
Another ninety-six people were injured.
Otras 96 personas resultaron heridas.
Forty people were injured, some requiring hospitalization.
Cuarenta personas resultaron heridas, y algunas de ellas necesitaron hospitalización.
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