Translation for "were heard" to spanish
Translation examples
No gunshots were heard, so...
No fueron escuchados los disparos, entonces...
However, these Lee Perry recordings were heard in England by the founder of Island Records.
Sin embargo, esas grabaciones de Lee Perry fueron escuchadas en Inglaterra por el fundador de Island Records.
Went off the Radar screens, at the same time as sounds we've been hearing from the craters, were heard at extra speed transmissions... the two fliers...
Y los sonidos que oíamos de los cráteres fueron escuchados en la transmisión de los F-16.
At least her prayers were heard.
Al menos, sus oraciones fueron escuchadas
♪ he shaved the faces of gentlemen ♪ ♪ who never thereafter were heard of again ♪
Él afeita las caras de los caballeros, que nunca, a partir de entonces, fueron escuchados de nuevo.
In these camp meeting venues persons high and low, black and white, rich and poor were invited to hear the gospel. And many of the scriptures that were preached obviously were heard by African Americans as ensuring their equality.
En esos campamentos de reunión, personas altas y bajas, blancas y negras, ricas y pobres, eran invitadas a escuchar el evangelio, y muchas de las escrituras que se predicaron obviamente fueron escuchadas por los afro americanos para afirmar su igualdad.
And when they'd made their point, and their voices were heard, they were finally at peace.
Y cuando manifestaron su punto de vista, cuando sus voces fueron escuchadas, encontraron finalmente la paz.
This is about taking a few extra days to ensure that our true voters were heard.
Es para tener unos días extra para asegurarnos de que nuestros votantes fueron escuchados.
* John Adams was second, Thomas Jefferson third * * when we fought for independence * * their voices were heard * * when in the course of human events * * we took a stand and we've been doin' it since *
Thomas Adams fue el segundo, Jefferson el tercero... cuando hablaban de independencia sus voces se escucharon. Cuando en el curso de los eventos de la humanidad... tomamos la palabra y la tenemos desde entonces.
Hold on, the scanner said that gunshots were heard, but there were no reports of any Foot Clan activity.
Espera, el escáner dijo que se escucharon disparos, pero no hubo reportes de cualquier actividad Foot Clan.
Once we were injured, a group arrived, they asked what happened. From then, no more shots were heard
En un momento estando ya heridos, escuchamos que llega un grupo de personas preguntando qué era lo que había sucedido, a partir de entonces no se escucharon más tiros de remate.
An hour ago, 2 gunshots were heard.
Hace una hora, se escucharon 2 disparos.
They were heard throughout the world:
Ellos se escucharon en todo el mundo:
Here and there hisses were heard.
Aquí y allá se escucharon algunos silbidos.
Here and there were heard cries, "Hold!"
Y aquí y allá se escucharon gritos de: —¡Arréstenlo!
From the other ships similar cries were heard.
Desde las demás naves se escucharon exclamaciones similares.
Only the voices of the authorities and guards were heard, “One!”
Y solamente se escucharon las voces de autoridades y guardias: ¡Una!
Just then, Sempere senior’s heavy footsteps were heard in the bookshop.
Justo entonces se escucharon los pasos pesados de Sempere padre en la librería.
In less than thirty seconds the appropriate clicks were heard and Spaulding opened the door.
En menos de treinta segundos se escucharon los chasquidos correspondientes, y Spaulding abrió la puerta.
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