Translation for "were experiments" to spanish
Translation examples
They weren't just attacks, they were experiments.
No fueron solo ataques, fueron experimentos.
The sorcerers who were experimenting with the descendants of Lara and Riannon, did not get their desired results and abandoned the experiment.
Los La Torre de la Golondrina – Andrezj Sapkowsky 126 hechiceros que hacían experimentos con los descendientes de Lara y Riannon, llevando a cabo durante algún tiempo una crianza regular, no obtuvieron los resultados deseados, se aburrieron y abandonaron el experimento.
They were experiments meant...meant to releave the magnetic force inside human body.
Eran experimentos dirigidos... dirigidos a demostrar la fuerza magnética, ...que hay en el cuerpo humano.
Told the staff these were experiments gone wrong.
Le dije al personal que eran experimentos fallidos.
but there was something nostalgic in it too – a trace of forty years ago, when all such embraces were experiments.
sin embargo, también aquello tenía algo nostálgico, era una evocación de cómo eran las cosas hacía cuarenta años, cuando todos aquellos abrazos eran experimentos.
Many of these oases were experiments, and Sax treated them as such, staying out of them, peering down into one steep-walled alas after another, wondering what the ecopoet responsible was trying to discover with his or her work.
Muchos eran experimentos y Sax los trataba como tales: se asomaba a las dolinas y las examinaba a distancia, preguntándose qué trataba de descubrir con su trabajo el ecopoeta responsable.
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