Translation for "were exaggerated" to spanish
Translation examples
I guess all the stories of your undying loyalty were exaggerated..
Supongo que todas las historias de tu eterna lealtad fueron exageradas...
I'll tell them that the reports were exaggerated.
Diré que los alegatos fueron exagerados.
When the characters reached the magazine... they were exaggerated... as always happens.
Cuando los personajes llegaron a la revista... fueron exagerados... como siempre sucede.
Some of the reports in this connection were exaggerated, most of them were true.
Algunos de los reportajes sobre esta conexión fueron exagerados, pero la mayoría de ellos fueron verdad.
Of course, clown faces were exaggerated and garish, but that's because of the far distances between the audience and the ring.
Por supuesto, las caras de payasos eran exagerados y chillones, pero eso es debido a las largas distancias entre el público y el anillo.
I knew their numbers were exaggerated.
Sabía que sus números eran exagerados.
Seems reports of my death were exaggerated.
Parece que las noticias de mi muerte eran exageradas.
But other parts were exaggerated or untrue.
Pero otras escenas eran exageradas o falsas.
Zai knew that most synesthetic abilities were exaggerated by the gutter media.
Zai sabía que la mayoría de las habilidades sinestésicas eran exageradas por los medios de comunicación.
The numbers that Amythaon quoted were so large that I knew they were exaggerated.
Las cifras que mencionó Amythaon eran tan grandes que supe que eran exageradas.
Dimitri had told me that a lot of these stories were exaggerated and that most dhampir women weren't that easy.
Dimitri me había dicho que muchas de esas historias eran exageradas y que la mayoría de las mujeres dhampir no eran fáciles.
Physical examination further revealed no pathology except that the patient's tendon reflexes were exaggerated but equal.
El examen físico posterior no reveló patología, con la excepción de que los reflejos de los tendones del paciente eran exagerados, aunque uniformes.
It was always better to let people hear wild rumors, decide they were exaggerated, fall back on hope.
Siempre era mejor dejar que la gente oyera rumores disparatados, pensara que eran exagerados, y recobrara la esperanza.
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