Translation for "were depressed" to spanish
Were depressed
Translation examples
Maybe because so many people in that area were depressed.
Tal vez porque muchas personas en esa zona estaban deprimidos.
And they were Depressed, And as sad as that is, They all committed suicide.
y estaban deprimidos... y por triste que sea... todos se suicidaron.
It was more like suicidal kids, kids who weren't happy with their life, kids who were depressed, and he had a whole story there, but he brought a lot of joy to the hospital, kind of.
Eran más bien niños con tendencias suicidas niños que eran infelices con sus vidas niños que estaban deprimidos y él vivió toda una aventura ahí pero en cierta forma llevó mucha alegría al hospital.
We used to have this saying that I used to chant and they would answer, when they were depressed, you know, and thinking the group was going nowhere, and this is a shitty deal, and we're in a shitty dressing room.
Solíamos tener esta palabra que solía cantar y responderíamos, cuando estaban deprimidos, ya sabes, y pensando en el grupo iba a ninguna parte, y esto es un trato de mierda, y estamos en un vestuario de mierda.
“Leonard! If I knew you were depressed, that wouldn’t have mattered.”
—¡Leonard! Si hubiera sabido que estabas deprimido eso no habría importado.
But upon this chill and misty morning, it was not the Waziri alone who were depressed and discouraged.
Pero en esta mañana fría y neblinosa, no eran sólo los waziri los que estaban deprimidos y desanimados.
I thought of people who commit suicide and then their friends and acquaintances say they were depressed, for some time they had been so changed, and things of that sort ...
Pensaba en aquellas personas que se suicidan y luego los amigos y los conocidos dicen que estaban deprimidas, que desde hacía tiempo habían cambiado tanto y cosas por el estilo…
And all of us, either because we were depressed or tired or had schoolwork, cocooned ourselves in our dark but, paradoxically, vast rooms, lost in our troglodyte existence.
Y todas nosotras, ya fuera por estar deprimidas o cansadas o porque teníamos trabajo que hacer, nos envolvíamos en la oscuridad de aquellas habitaciones paradójicamente espaciosas, perdidas en una existencia de cavernícolas.
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