Translation for "were corrupt" to spanish
Were corrupt
Translation examples
The popes lived like kings, They were corrupt, they held lavish parties, they built lavish palaces for himself, with Paris Hilton looked shabby.
Los papas vivían como reyes, eran corruptos, ofrecían espléndidas fiestas, Se construyeron lujosos palacios para sí mismos, en comparación el Hilton de París se vería como algo humilde.
I said he was a hero, back in the days when I thought all institutions were corrupt and worthy of attack.
He dicho que era un héroe, en los tiempos en los que pensaba que todas las instituciones eran corruptas y que se merecían un ataque.
But it didn't matter... because my motivations were corrupt.
Porque mis motivaciones eran corruptas.
No. All they wanted from me was confirmation that Rattigan claimed that at the time that you were corrupt.
Todo lo que querían de mí, era confirmar que Rattigan lo afirmó en el momento en que eran corruptos.
Do you have any reason to believe that the officers he shot were corrupt?
¿Tiene razones para creer que los oficiales que él mató eran corruptos?
But after a year, we realised the commanding officers were corrupt. GURI:
Pero después de un año nos dimos cuenta que los Oficiales al mando eran corruptos.
The six kingdoms were corrupt and cruel.
Los seis reinos eran corruptos y crueles.
We believe Hynes and the others were corrupt, yes.
Pensamos que Hynes y el resto eran corruptos, sí.
Both brothers were corrupt.
Ambos hermanos eran corruptos
Authority figures were corrupt and twisted by their power.
Los representantes de la autoridad eran corruptos y retorcidos a causa de su poder.
Tried to explain to him that not all the police in Africa were corrupt.
Había intentado explicarle que no todos los policías de África eran corruptos.
All the Councillors were corrupt, and you had them punished for their corruption.
Todos los consejeros eran corruptos, vos los habéis hecho castigar por su corrupción.
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