Translation for "were close to" to spanish
Translation examples
And when these dreamers were close to final victory...
Y cuando estos soñadores estaban cerca de la victoria final.
Honey, I... I thought the beer-truck drivers were close to an agreement.
Amor, creí que los conductores de camiones de cerveza... estaban cerca de un acuerdo.
The only people who were close to this automobile besides myself and the lads were those chaps from the Auto Club.
Las únicas personas que estaban cerca de este automóvil además de mí y los muchachos fueron esos tipos del Auto Club.
We heard they were close to a breakthrough.
Nos enteramos de que estaban cerca de conseguir un gran avance.
Men were close to the gods.
Los hombres estaban cerca de los dioses.
They thought they were close to a solution.
Ellos pensaron que estaban cerca de una solucion.
Would you be kind enough to give Sergeant Jones a list of all those who were close to Dianne?
¿Serías tan amable de darle Sargento Jones una lista de todos los que estaban cerca de Dianne?
When they were close to death, they would view something from the spiritual world.
Cuando estaban cerca de la muerte. Vieron parte del mundo espiritual.
They were close to Alexandria.
Estaban cerca de Alexandria.
And soon, they were close to finishing an app they had decided to call...
Y pronto, estaban cerca de terminar una app que habían decidido llamar...
They were close, very close.
Pero ya estaban cerca, muy cerca.
They were close, dangerously close.
Estaban cerca, peligrosamente cerca.
They were close now, very close.
Estaban ya cerca, muy cerca.
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