Translation for "well trimmed" to spanish
Well trimmed
Translation examples
asked the man with the well-trimmed black beard.
—preguntó el hombre de la barba negra y bien recortada.
He had blue eyes himself and a well-trimmed beard.
Tenía ojos azules y una barba bien recortada.
His fingers were short and stubby, the nails well trimmed.
Sus dedos eran cortos y rechonchos, las uñas bien recortadas.
He had a short well-trimmed black beard and darting intelligent eyes.
Tenía una barba negra, rala y bien recortada, y una mirada escrutadora y lúcida.
But the hedges around it were well trimmed, and the white fencing looked recently painted.
Pero los setos estaban bien recortados y la cerca blanca parecía recién pintada.
His graying hair and well-trimmed beard gave him a distinguished look.
Su pelo entrecano y su barba bien recortada le proporcionaban un aspecto distinguido.
From the waist up he was human, with curly brown hair and a well-trimmed beard.
De cintura para arriba era humano, con el pelo castaño rizado y una barba bien recortada.
He had a well-trimmed beard and wore a white taqiyah (head covering).
Lucía una barba bien recortada y llevaba un taqiyá blanco (pañuelo para cubrirse la cabeza).
Senator Bail Organa was quick to interject, stroking his well-trimmed black goatee.
—se apresuró a decir el senador Bail Organa, mesándose su bien recortada perilla oscura—.
Old though he was, his beard and hair were well-trimmed, and his eyes still sharp.
Aunque anciano, su barba y su cabello estaban bien recortados y su mirada conservaba la agudeza.
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