Translation for "we were confident" to spanish
Translation examples
We were confident that nothing could happen to the kids.
Estábamos seguros de que no les iba a ocurrir nada.
"We were confident last time," Gaffney reminded her.
—La última vez también estábamos seguros —le recordó Gaffney—.
Things look pretty strange, however we were confident that Cahir was ordered to capture princess Cirilla and deliver her to Nilfgaard.'' New paragraph.
La cosa tiene un aspecto bastante extraño, puesto que estábamos seguros de que las órdenes del tal Cahir se referían a la captura de la princesa Chilla y su traslado a Nilfgaard.
We were confident that eventually we would photograph it, document its behavior, tag it, and assign it a place in the taxonomy of living things.
Confiábamos en que al final lo fotografiaríamos, documentaríamos su comportamiento, lo etiquetaríamos y le asignaríamos un puesto en la taxonomía de los seres vivos.
But we were confident that Olive Lawrence had some tracing in her head from a faint light in the distance or a shift of wind that told her exactly where she was and what she was going towards.
Pero confiábamos en que Olive Lawrence tenía algún esquema en la cabeza a partir de una tenue luz a lo lejos o un cambio en la dirección del viento que le revelaba exactamente dónde estaba y hacia dónde iba.
All of the attacks by bandits on the mule trains carrying silver had been in the Zacatecas area, and we were confident that the list would not leave the rider's hands until we reached the city called the Silver Capital of the World.
Todos los ataques perpetrados por bandidos sobre las caravanas de mulas que transportaban plata se realizaron en la zona de Zacatecas y nosotros confiábamos en que la lista no abandonara las manos del jinete emisario antes de que nosotros llegáramos a la ciudad llamada Capital de la Plata del Mundo.
We were confident that our chariots were superior to those of Utteric, and we could use them to secure a beachhead upriver from the fortress of Abu Naskos from which we could envelop the citadel itself, and place it under siege.
Confiábamos en que nuestros carros eran superiores a los de Utteric, y podíamos usarlos para asegurar una cabecera de playa río arriba de la fortaleza de Abu Naskos, desde la cual podríamos rodear la ciudadela misma y ponerla bajo asedio.
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