Translation for "was preferable" to spanish
Was preferable
Translation examples
The original draft was preferable.
Es preferible el texto original.
Dialogue was preferable to confrontation.
El diálogo es preferible a la confrontación.
That system was certainly preferable.
Ese sistema es ciertamente preferible.
A more neutral phrase is to be preferred.
Habría sido preferible una frase más neutra.
The original was therefore preferable.
Por consiguiente, es preferible el original.
This option is, therefore, not preferred.
Esta opción, por consiguiente, no es la preferible.
It would be preferable to eliminate it entirely.
Sería preferible eliminarlo totalmente.
Environmentally preferable products
Productos ambientalmente preferibles
Your company was preferable.
Tu compañía era preferible.
Thought that going into business together was preferable to the alternative.
Pensó que hacer negocios juntos era preferible a la alternativa.
I explained how an open-handed slap was preferable to a punch, which could cause internal damage and thus be considered, uh, torture.
les expliqué como un golpe con la mano abierta era preferible a un puñetazo, que podrían causar daños internos y por lo tanto ser considerado, tortura.
School's short staffed, everyone's got this bug, and I thought his father was preferable to a stranger.
A la escuela le falta personal, todos tienen ese virus, y pensé que su padre era preferible a un extraño.
What are you talking about? As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.
Como heredera, Elsa era preferible, por supuesto.
Would that be preferable?
¿Sería eso preferible?
Preferable, actually.
De hecho, sería preferible.
Death is preferred.
Es preferible la muerte.
Certainly preferable.
Ciertamente preferible.
Preferable to extinction.
Preferible a la extinción.
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