Translation for "voice become" to spanish
Translation examples
The Grzemkowski presence reverts to stolid business, the voice becomes police-gruff.
Grzemkowski se muestra exteriormente imperturbable, su voz se convierte en una serie de gruñidos policiales:
Its voice becomes a bark in time, a beating that makes the little rocklets dance on the slope.
Su voz se convierte en un ladrido en el tiempo, un repiqueteo que hace danzar a los pequeños guijarros sobre la colina.
For a steward he’s a large man, and his deep voice becomes more of a growl than a whine when he’s imploring his captain.
Para ser mozo es un hombre grandote, y su profunda voz se convierte más en un gruñido que en un gemido cuando implora a su capitán.
His face glows; his eyes take on the quality of beacons; his very voice becomes such a thing of music and poetry that you would think you were in the presence of Apollo.
Su rostro se enciende, sus ojos parecen dos faros y su misma voz se convierte en una suerte de música y poesía tales, que creerías hallarte en presencia de Apolo.
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