Translation for "vindictively" to spanish
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We had a fight, and I acted vindictively.
Tuvimos una pelea, y actué vengativamente.
'I doubt it!' she answered--pretty vindictively.
—¡Lo dudo! —respondió vengativamente.
He crushed his cigaret out on the platform vindictively.
Aplastó vengativamente el cigarrillo sobre la plataforma.
She digs her pencil vindictively into the telephone pad as if it were somehow responsible.
Clava el lápiz vengativamente en el bloc, como si éste tuviera la culpa.
In a rage of uncertainty he stamped vindictively the body of the bird he had slain.
Lleno de furor e incertidumbre, pisoteó vengativamente el cuerpo del ave que había matado.
“You would, you bottle-blonde broad,” Miss Hitchey said vindictively to the Peterson girl.
—Tenías que hacerlo, tramposa rubia de botella —dijo la señorita Hitchey vengativamente a la Peterson—.
'I gave explicit orders that I was to be the only Searcher here,' she said vindictively.
—Di órdenes explícitas de que yo debía ser la única Buscadora en palacio —dijo vengativamente.
And did! Almost. He was known to have behaved vindictively toward persons who refused to yield up their copies.
¡Y lo hizo! Casi. Se sabe que se portó vengativamente con las personas que se negaron a entregarle sus copias.
Goneril gave her evidence, vindictively but precisely accusing the man of an attempted sexual offence against her. It sounded to Mr.
Goneril declaró, vengativamente, pero de manera precisa, acusando al hombre de haber tratado de atentar sexualmente contra ella.
“Saddle him up,” said the Colonel vindictively and left Harbinger wondering how the hell he was ever going to get a saddle on the beast.
—Ensíllelo —dijo el coronel vengativamente y se fue, mientras Harbinger se preguntaba cómo diablos haría para ensillar a aquel animal.
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