Translation for "viable alternative" to spanish
Viable alternative
Translation examples
In fact, there was no viable alternative to it.
En realidad, no hay ninguna otra alternativa viable.
[Difficulties with viable alternatives and economic feasibility]
[Dificultades con alternativas viables y viabilidad económica]
I do not see any viable alternative.
No veo ninguna otra alternativa viable.
It was a unique instrument to which no viable alternative was in sight.
Se trata de un instrumento único en su género, para el cual no hay alternativa viable.
There is virtually no competition or other viable alternative at this time.
En este momento, prácticamente no existe competencia ni una alternativa viable.
(c) Information on technically and economically viable alternatives to:
c) Información sobre alternativas viables desde el punto de vista técnico y económico a:
There is no viable alternative to a negotiated settlement.
No hay alternativa viable a una solución negociada.
Germany does not see any viable alternative.
Alemania no ve ninguna otra alternativa viable.
And I have formulated the only viable alternative.
Y yo he expuesto la única alternativa viable.
It's a viable alternative to a life in sales.
Una alternativa viable a esta vida de vendedor.
Two days, unless I can give them a viable alternative.
En dos días, a menos que pueda darles una alternativa viable.
None of them are ganged up, but in this neighborhood, it's a viable alternative.
Ninguno de ellos pertenece a una banda... pero en este vecindario, es una alternativa viable.
Our leaders just don't see any viable alternative right now.
Pero nuestros líderes no ven por ahora otra alternativa viable.
The only viable alternative is you.
Y la única alternativa viable eres tú.
Narcisse will not want to part with his new plaything... not without a viable alternative.
Narcisse no querrá separarse de su nuevo juguete... no sin una alternativa viable.
In your case... the withdrawal method is the only viable alternative.
En su caso, el método de la marcha atrás es la única alternativa viable.
“It’s not a viable alternative,” put in Jacovic.
—Eso no es una alternativa viable —intervino Jacovic.
When he returned, no one had come up with a viable alternative.
Cuando volvió, nadie había dado con una alternativa viable.
The fact was he didn’t know. But he couldn’t think of a viable alternative.
Lo cierto era que no lo sabía, pero no se le ocurría ninguna alternativa viable.
For a minute, going along with this program seemed like a viable alternative.
Durante un minuto, seguir con aquel programa me pareció una alternativa viable.
A universe where you did order fish is a viable alternative to this one.
Un universo en el que, en efecto, pediste pescado constituye una alternativa viable a éste.
I wish there were viable alternatives for students who would rather be anywhere but in a classroom.
Desearía que hubiera alternativas viables para aquellos alumnos que preferirían estar en cualquier otro sitio que no fuera el aula.
In no way, shape or form did Kevin represent a viable alternative to mental illness.
En modo alguno, forma o color representaba a Kevin una alternativa viable de la enfermedad mental.
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