Translation for "vacantly" to spanish
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Translation examples
He stared vacantly into the gull's eyes and finally drifted off...
La miró vagamente a los ojos y finalmente le dijo...
Pink Shirt was staring vacantly into space.
Camisa Rosa miraba vagamente al aire.
William felt that this immobile, vacantly amiable presence was a source of power in the household.
William sentía que esta presencia inmóvil, vagamente afable era una fuente de poder en la casa.
But he remained seated for a good quarter of an hour, not saying a word, staring vacantly in front of him.
Pero permaneció allí sentado durante un buen cuarto de hora, sin decir nada, mirando vagamente hacia delante.
I’m not very good at faces.” He frowned vacantly at the same time that his eyes seemed to wander about the room.
No soy muy bueno para recordar las caras —frunció vagamente el ceño al mismo tiempo que paseaba la vista por la habitación.
Begin by breaking all the mirrors in the house, let your arms fall to your side, gaze vacantly at the wall, forget yourself.
Empiece por romper los espejos de su casa, deje caer los brazos, mire vagamente la pared, olvídese.
His head was on one side, with the vacantly calculating frown of impatience, the tip of his tongue on his lower lip;
Tenía la cabeza inclinada hacia un lado, con ese ceño fruncido vagamente calculador típico de la impaciencia, y la punta de la lengua sobre el labio inferior;
When the woman was gone, Tony Takitani went back into his wife's closet, shut the door, and let his eyes wander vacantly over her dresses.
Después de que la joven se marchara, Tony Takitani entró en el vestidor, cerró la puerta y permaneció unos instantes mirando vagamente los trajes que había dejado su esposa.
She wondered how long it would go on for, and was trying to let them know how little appreciated their interest was by smiling faintly at them when they spoke or, a few times, especially in the morning, by looking at them vacantly as though she did not understand a word they said.
Eilis se preguntaba cuánto duraría aquello e intentaba hacerles saber lo poco que apreciaba su interés sonriendo vagamente cuando le hablaban o, en algunas ocasiones, sobre todo por las mañanas, mirándolas con gesto ausente, como si no entendiera una sola palabra de lo que le decían.
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