Translation for "upheavals" to spanish
Translation examples
Late in their life-cycle some of them undergo a catastrophic upheaval comparable to a nova;
En la última etapa de su ciclo vital, algunas sufren un solevantamiento catastrófico comparable a una nova;
On several occasions, it had seemed that a way out of these huge accumulations of earth matter could not be found, that the geological puzzle was insoluble, the chthonian arrangement of discord irresolvable: and then vale and drumlin created between them a new direction, a surprise, an escape, and the way took fresh heart and plunged recklessly still deeper into the encompassing upheaval.
En varias ocasiones había parecido que no podía encontrarse un camino de salida de aquellas enormes acumulaciones de materia terrestre, que el enigma geológico era insoluble, pero entonces valle y cerro pequeño creaban entre ellos una nueva dirección, una sorpresa, un escape, y el camino tomaba nuevo aliento y se hundía más profundamente aún en el solevantamiento circundante.
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