Translation for "unworldly" to spanish
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Unworldly, he decided, swallowing it.
Espiritual, decidió, tragándola.
It was true—she had felt it—an aura of unworldliness—of spirituality.
Era verdad... Había sentido alrededor de ella como una aura extraterrena... espiritual...
And in a world so corrupted with machinations and lies, what man would not find a special appeal in those of an unworldly character?
Y en un mundo tan corrupto, ¿qué hombre no se siente atraído por los que tienen una naturaleza espiritual?
His parents died of malnutrition and disease in the ever-narrowing ghetto; and his sister, delicate, shy, unworldly, died in the camp.
Sus padres perecieron de desnutrición y enfermedad en el gueto, cada vez más reducido, y su hermana, delicada, tímida y espiritual, murió en un campo de concentración.
There is no stronger case than that of the wild, unworldly and perishing stock which we commonly call the Celts, of whom your friends the MacNabs are specimens.
No hay un caso más asombroso que el tronco extraño, espiritual y moribundo que comúnmente denominamos «celta», del que son especimenes sus amigos los Mac Nab.
From the copperplate, of course, you couldn’t tell the colour, or the tonality of the flesh, only that the expression was unworldly and humane and that the large eyes were dark as night.
En la lámina, evidentemente, no se distinguía el color o la tonalidad de la piel, pero la expresión era espiritual y bondadosa, y los grandes ojos, negros como la noche.
Though she was barely twenty, Isabella was a mature young matron with all the virtues—sweet, pious, modest, meek, obedient, unworldly.
Aunque apenas tenía veinte años, Isabella era una joven matrona en la que habían madurado todas las virtudes: era dulce, piadosa, modesta, humilde, obediente, espiritual.
It was wonderful to see how amongst these men, many of whom came from families as noble as his own, this saintly and unworldly man could command such respect through his spiritual authority alone.
Era maravilloso ver cómo entre esos hombres, muchos de los cuales procedían de familias tan nobles como la suya, ese hombre santo y nada materialista podía imponer tanto respeto solo con su autoridad espiritual.
but suddenly the unpleasant feeling of lateness was replaced in Fyodor s soul by a distinct and somehow outrageously joyful decision not to appear at all for the lesson—to get off at the next stop and return home to his half-read book, to his unworldly cares, to the blissful mist in which his real life floated, to the complex, happy, devout work which had occupied him for about a year already.
pero, de pronto, el alma de Fiodor, la desagradable sensación de retraso cedió el lugar a la decisión rotunda y excesivamente alegre de no aparecer para la lección —bajar en la próxima parada y volver a casa y al libro a medio leer, a sus inquietudes espirituales, a la niebla feliz en que flotaba su verdadera vida, al trabajo dichoso, complejo y devoto que le ocupaba desde hacía ya casi un año.
The girl was charming, in her unworldly way.
La niña era un encanto, a su manera poco mundana.
They were all educated, but very unworldly.
Todas recibieron una educación adecuada, pero poco mundana.
The boy was a gifted cellist, unworldly, an aesthete.
El chico era un chelista dotado, nada mundano, un esteta.
'I didn't know you were so unworldly, Perian.
–No sabía que fueras tan poco mundano. Perian.
But sometimes … Jim’s so earnest, so unworldly;
Pero a veces… Jim es tan raro, tan poco mundano;
The blush reminded him painfully that he was young and unworldly.
El rubor que le había producido le hacía recordar, dolorosamente, que era joven y nada mundano.
Yama’s wise but unworldly stepfather had not known what Yama was.
El padrastro de Yama, sabio pero poco mundano, no había sabido reconocerlo por lo que era.
The funny thing is that it hap­pened in the most unworldly place in the world.” “The Tower?”
Lo extraño es que sucedió en el lugar menos mundano del mundo. —¿En la Torre?
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