Translation for "unwavering" to spanish
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Its support for Palestine had been unwavering.
Su apoyo a Palestina ha sido inquebrantable.
Our solidarity with them must be unwavering.
Nuestra solidaridad para con ellos debe ser inquebrantable.
We are guided by unwavering principles.
Nos guían principios inquebrantables.
We applaud their unwavering commitment to peace.
Aplaudimos su compromiso inquebrantable con la paz.
Our support has been unwavering and steadfast.
Nuestro apoyo ha sido inquebrantable y firme.
They can count on the Movement's unwavering support.
Pueden contar con el apoyo inquebrantable del Movimiento.
Our commitment fighting terrorism is unwavering.
Nuestra voluntad de luchar contra el terrorismo es inquebrantable.
This notwithstanding, our commitment to the MDGs is unwavering.
Pese a ello, nuestro compromiso con esos objetivos es inquebrantable.
We are humbled and grateful for such unwavering support.
Nos sentimos honrados y agradecidos por ese inquebrantable apoyo.
The support of the United States for the Strategy is unwavering.
El apoyo de los Estados Unidos a la Estrategia es inquebrantable.
It's an unwavering faith.
Su confianza es inquebrantable.
with unwavering conviction.
con convicción inquebrantable. unwavering commitment to the truth.
Un inquebrantable compromiso con la verdad.
Your unwavering confidence.
Tu inquebrantable confianza.
We thank you for your unwavering leadership.
Gracias por su liderazgo inquebrantable.
Your unwavering appreciation-- where is it?
Tu inquebrantable apreciación, ¿dónde está?
Thanks to your unwavering support,
Gracias a su apoyo inquebrantable,
Unwavering belief in our own capabilities.
Creencia inquebrantable en nuestras propias capacidades.
Your love, your devotion... it's unwavering.
Vuestro amor, vuestra devoción... es inquebrantable.
Your unwavering faith...
Tu fe inquebrantable...
Unwavering stupidity!
¡Una estupidez firme e inquebrantable!
Magnus’s gaze was unwavering.
La mirada de Magnus era inquebrantable.
Hubbard’s attention was unwavering.
La atención de Hubbard era inquebrantable.
Her voice was strong, unwavering.
Su voz era fuerte, inquebrantable.
Stars shone with unwavering intensity.
Las estrellas brillaron con una intensidad inquebrantable.
Unwavering. Without reservations, strings or conditions.
Algo inquebrantable, sin reservas ni ataduras ni condiciones.
The Governor pins her with his unwavering gaze.
El Gobernador clava su mirada inquebrantable en ella.
Matthew’s commitment to the plan was unwavering, however.
El compromiso de Matthew con el plan era inquebrantable, sin embargo.
India's support for the self-determination of the Palestinian people was unwavering.
El apoyo de la India a la libre determinación del pueblo palestino es firme.
Thus, we need the Assembly's unwavering support at this stage.
Por consiguiente, necesitamos el apoyo firme de la Asamblea en esta etapa.
This commitment is unwavering.
Ese compromiso se mantiene firme.
Seychelles remains unwavering in its support of the United Nations.
Seychelles se mantiene firme en su apoyo a las Naciones Unidas.
Our support in the fight against this evil is unwavering and resolute.
Nuestro apoyo en la lucha contra ese mal es firme y decidido.
That commitment is unwavering and undiminished, and will continue.
Ese compromiso no ha mermado, es firme y continuará siéndolo.
Brazil's commitment to the promotion of human rights is also unwavering.
El compromiso del Brasil con la promoción de los derechos humanos es también firme.
Our commitment to the United Nations is unwavering.
Nuestro compromiso con las Naciones Unidas es firme.
It is my unwavering view that this is a responsibility incumbent on Japan.
Soy de la firme opinión de que es una responsabilidad que corresponde al Japón.
She's a special child, but I assure you, I am unwavering.
Es una niña especial, pero le aseguro que soy firme.
It's constant, unwavering.
Es constante, firme.
Unwavering belief in the church is difficult to sustain. creencia firme en la iglesia es difícil de sostener.
A single note, hanging there, unwavering.
Una sola nota, suspendida, firme.
Sita has unwavering confidence about that!
¡Sita tiene confianza firme ante eso!
Her story has been unwavering.
Su historia ha sido firme.
And Bernard Layton was unwavering.
Y Bernard Layton fue firme.
-Offering you my pure and unwavering true love
Ofreciéndote mi amor firme y verdadero.
Tempered by wisdom, yet unwavering in retribution.
Moderada por la sabiduría, pero firme en la imposición de la pena.
As usual, you speak with unwavering accuracy.
Como de costumbre, habla con firme precisión.
Sophie's voice was unwavering.
La voz de Sophie sonó firme.
The power of her unwavering stare.
El poder de su firme mirada.
His gaze was solid and unwavering.
su mirada era firme y no vaciló.
“The healing water, of course,” she said, and her direct, unwavering gaze was too direct and unwavering;
—Me refiero a las aguas medicinales —aclaró ella, y su mirada directa y firme fue demasiado directa y firme;
Zohra’s gaze was steadfast, unwavering.
La mirada de Zohra era firme y resuelta.
Her voice sounded firm and unwavering.
Su voz sonó firme y segura.
From behind, came a steady, unwavering breeze.
Desde detrás, soplaba una brisa estable y firme.
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