Translation for "untamable" to spanish
Translation examples
46. Ms. HAMPSON said that the implication that the economic forces sweeping the world were as untamable as the winds and the waves was patently absurd.
46. La Sra. HAMPSON considera totalmente absurdo dar a entender que las fuerzas económicas que se han desatado en el mundo son tan indomables como el viento y las olas.
That's a rough, dirty, untamed spot.
Ese es un lugar rudo, sucio, indomable.
What happened to "Amazon Untamed"?
¿Qué pasó con "El Amazonas Indomable"?
# An outlaw untamed # Shackled only by freedom
Un forajido indomable encadenado a la libertad
But Definite was untamable.
Pero Definitivo era indomable.
No word describes her better than untamable.
No hay término que mejor la describa que indomable.
Soon you'll see that chaos is untamable.
Pronto verá que el caos es indomable.
It's an untamable force.
Es una fuerza indomable.
It's "Amazon Untamed!"
¡Se trata de "El Amazonas Indomable"!
Untamed and unafraid
Indomables y sin miedo
is wild and untamed. as well.
sea salvaje e indomable también.
it is as untamable as the sea.
es tan indomable como el mar.
Capricious, untameable, malodorous.
Caprichosa, indomable, maloliente.
A fine untamable animal, he was.
Era un fantástico animal indomable.
Gypsies were ragged and unkempt and untamable;
Los gitanos eran harapientos y desaseados e indomables;
At the end of the day, Vane was wild and untamable.
En el fondo, Vane era salvaje e indomable.
There was no ferocity about him, no anger that was wild and untamed.
No había ferocidad en él ni impulso salvaje e indomable.
Running wild, like an animal, and as untameable;
Vivía como un animal salvaje y era igualmente indomable.
or perhaps it was the puppy’s seemingly untamable nature;
o quizá la naturaleza en apariencia indomable del cachorro;
The untamed cloud of hair was all but gone;
La indomable mata de cabello había desaparecido casi por completo;
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