Translation for "unromantic" to spanish
Translation examples
It was unromantic but very comfortable.
No era romántica, pero sí muy confortable.
Their friendship was uncomplicated and unromantic.
Su amistad no era nada retorcida ni romántica.
“It all sounds horribly unromantic,”
- Todo eso es horrorosamente poco romántico.
What a very unromantic thought.
—Qué idea tan poco romántica.
This is very unromantic, I am sorry.
Es muy poco romántico, lo siento.
But I was interested in its unromantic aspects.
Pero a mí me interesaban sus aspectos no románticos.
I chuckled, “is remarkably unromantic of you.”
—Eso no es nada romántico —comenté riendo.
Clumsy, unromantic, just getting the job done.
Torpe, nada romántico, solo haciendo su trabajo.
“What a terribly unromantic thing to have to do,”
—Vaya una cosa tan poco romántica que hay que hacer —explicó—.
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