Translation for "unqualifiable" to spanish
Translation examples
However, with the unqualified preconditions imposed by Israel, as well as the ongoing construction of the illegal separation wall by Israel, my delegation is deeply concerned by the prospect of the road map's being rendered ineffective.
No obstante, ante las condiciones previas incalificables impuestas por Israel y la construcción del muro ilícito de separación que actualmente está edificando Israel, mi delegación está profundamente preocupada por la perspectiva de que la hoja de ruta se torne ineficaz.
Those who are condoning, supporting or committing these unqualifiable actions, in blatant violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, must be held accountable.
Se debe pedir cuentas a quienes toleran, apoyan o cometen esos actos incalificables, en manifiesta violación de las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
But as the 1951 Convention itself sets out, asylum is not an unqualified right.
Sin embargo, como se establece en la propia Convención de 1951, el asilo no es un derecho incalificable.
Moreover, your unqualified behaviour towards city clerk Hermann Schraat is considered a serious offense against a public administrator.
Además, su incalificable comportamiento hacia Hermann Schraat, empleado municipal es considerado un serio delito contra un funcionario público.
The experiment was an unqualified success.
El experimento tuvo un éxito incalificable
Through this horrific murder and his attacks on the police the Batman has revealed himself to be an unqualified menace.
Con este horroroso asesinato y su ataque a la policía Batman ha revelado ser una a. menaza incalificable.
But the ultimate, unqualified mystery is beyond human experience.
Pero el misterio último e incalificable está más allá de la experiencia humana.
Yet it was unqualified admiration, it was awe I felt for him.
Sin embargo, era admiración incalificable, temor reverente lo que sentía por él.
Or perhaps it had been genuine insight, perception of the actual, of their unqualified situation;
O quizás había sido una visión auténtica, una percepción de la realidad, de su incalificable situación;
              This meant interrupting their journey while the map was drawn, but the effort was an unqualified success.
Aquello significó interrumpir el viaje, pero el esfuerzo trajo consigo un éxito incalificable.
I still found Carpaccio delightful, Veronese magnificent, Titian supremely beautiful, and Tintoret altogether unqualifiable.
Sigo encontrando delicioso a Carpaccio, magnífico al Veronés, sumamente bello a Ticiano y totalmente incalificable a Tintoretto.
and the evil of his attentions last night, the irremediable mischief he might have done, was considered with sensations unqualified, unperplexed.
Y el mal causado por sus atenciones de la noche anterior, el irreparable daño, la dejaba perpleja y llena de sensaciones incalificables.
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