Translation for "unmusicality" to spanish
Translation examples
Their very harsh and shrill unmusicality, their burst of high sound leading to a long descent that died away through an uneasy and prolonged fluttering into silence, seemed to voice something beyond words, religion, philosophy.
Su propia falta de musicalidad, chillona e hiriente, su estallido de ruidos altos que llegaban a un largo descenso que moría en el silencio tras una vibración inquieta y prolongada, parecía expresar algo más allá de las palabras, de la religión, de la filosofía.
We started talking in Russian (all three spoke, with difficulty, a stiff and horribly unmusical Russian, mixed with a good deal of Ukrainian) but after a few minutes we changed to German, and I climbed up to their bunk, where we could talk undisturbed by the noise of the black-market deals which were flourishing below us in the barrack.
Empezamos a charlar en ruso (los tres hablaban un ruso atropellado y atrozmente falto de musicalidad, no sin salpicarlo de numerosas voces ucranianas), pero al cabo de un rato pasamos al alemán, momento en que me encaramé a una litera superior para alejarme del bullicio del mercado negro que reinaba en el barracón.
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