Translation for "unfrequent" to spanish
Translation examples
Kay’s visits to him were short and unfrequent, for no sooner did he see her than he reached for his tie.
Las visitas de Kay eran breves y poco frecuentes, pues en cuanto el señor Kirkjohn la veía empezaba a quitarse la corbata.
He was conscious of that mental clearness and vigour which not unfrequently comes with the dawn to those who have sat watching or reading through the night: and his thoughts were exalted by the effect which the first consciousness of a deep passion causes in imaginative minds.
Era consciente de esa claridad mental y ese vigor que no es infrecuente que acudan con el alba a aquellos que han permanecido toda la noche en vigilia o dedicados a la lectura: y sus pensamientos estaban exaltados por el efecto que la primera conciencia de una pasión profunda provoca sobre las mentes imaginativas.
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