Translation for "unexpressive" to spanish
Translation examples
He's weak, with a convict's hair and unexpressive eyes.
Es canijo, con pelo de presidiario y ojos inexpresivos.
(The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she)
(Ella, la casta, la inexpresiva beldad)
Vroman’s handsome photographs are unexpressive, uncondescending, unsentimental.
Las elegantes fotografías de Vroman son inexpresivas, nada desdeñosas, impasibles.
She was a plain woman with a large unexpressive face and dull eyes.
Era una mujer fea, de rostro grande e inexpresivo y mirada triste.
His words were practical and unexpressive, but his look told volumes.
—Sus palabras eran sentidlas e inexpresivas, pero en su mirada se leía todo lo que no decía.
After all, it was a living beauty that she had, and her face was not unexpressive.
Después de todo, era una belleza viva la que tenia, y su rostro no era inexpresivo.
The eyes were perfectly level, well shaped, the pupils dark, the gaze calm and unexpressive.
Los ojos eran bonitos, de pupilas oscuras; tenía una mirada tranquila aunque inexpresiva.
His wide thin mouth was unexpressive, a top ledge to the solid mass of his chin.
Los labios delgados de su ancha boca eran inexpresivos, una línea sobre la sólida masa del mentón.
His face was full of hate, but the hate was unexpressive, like the hate of an animal, and the face was a mask.
Su rostro rezumaba odio, pero odio inexpresivo, como el odio de un animal, y el rostro era una máscara.
Edgar looked up from the bed. The Doctor peered at him, his face stern and unexpressive.
Edgar miró al doctor, que lo observó a su vez con gesto serio e inexpresivo.
Adrienne! But your hand is trembling. You’re ill, said Miss Collingridge evenly, unexpressively.
–¡Adrienne! Pero te tiembla la mano. Estás enferma -dijo la señorita Collingridge, en un tono neutro, inexpresivo.
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