Translation for "undistinguishing" to spanish
Translation examples
They seemed part of a herd, undistinguished.
Las veía como partes de un rebaño, indistinguibles unas de otras.
Except for the few drug-store huts that showed, and the decorations, it was undistinguishable from any place else.
A excepción de las pocas cabañas de drogas que asomaban, y los decorados, era indistinguible de cualquier otro lugar.
Both of these sons-in-law, it turned out, would end up writing florid but undistinguished books about the Einstein family.
Con el tiempo resultaría que los dos yernos acabarían escribiendo sendos libros —igualmente floridos, aunque indistinguibles— sobre la familia Einstein.
III. At the IBA The Home of the International Book Association, where Jimmy worked, was a tall, undistinguished building just off Bedford Square.
III EN EL IBA La sede del Internacional Book Association, en donde Jimmy trabajaba, era un edificio alto e indistinguible un poco apartado de Bedford Square.
It seemed to consist of a combination of meat, fruits, vegetables, small fish and other undistinguishable articles of food all seasoned to produce a gastronomic effect that was at once baffling and delicious.
Parecía ser una combinación de carne, frutas, verduras, peces pequeños y otros alimentos indistinguibles, todos sazonados para producir un efecto gastronómico que era a la vez sorprendente y delicioso.
Miss Fellowes, who had been peering in, looking at the totally undistinguished sample of rock that occasioned the dispute, drew in her breath sharply as its existence flickered out. The room was empty.
La señorita Fellowes, que estaba mirando el interior de la cabina, observando la indistinguible muestra de roca causante de la disputa, contuvo el aliento de repente al ver desaparecer el espécimen. El interior quedó vacío.
She ate with healthy appetite, both her portions and his, while he watched her with pleasure. Her face intrigued him. The mouth was too wide. The jawline was too square. The nose undistinguished.
Ella comió con saludable apetito su parte y la de Jonathan, mientras éste la observaba con placer. Su rostro le intrigaba: la boca era demasiado grande, la línea de la mandíbula demasiado cuadrada, la nariz indistinguible, el cabello ambarino tan fino que parecía constantemente erizado por inexistentes brisas.
At other moments in the construction cycle, the extraordinary sight of a cluster of slender 50-floor-high toothpick-thin concrete lift shafts, before they have disappeared to form the cores of undistinguished residential towers, is a moment of short-lived visual excitement.
En otros momentos del ciclo de la construcción, la extraordinaria visión de un grupo de esbeltas torres de cemento de 50 pisos de altura y finas como mondadientes, antes de desaparecer para formar el núcleo de indistinguibles edificios residenciales, supone un momento de emoción visual de corta duración.
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