Translation for "undines" to spanish
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undines or nereids, the spirits of water;
Ondinas y Neriedas, Los espiritus del agua;
I, for some reason, thought it the undine;
Por alguna razón pensé que era la ondina;
Maybe an undine or a Rhine maiden.
Tal vez una ondina o una doncella del Rin.
Pengefinchess looked down casually. ‘That’s my undine.
Pengefinchess los miraba sin inmutarse. —Es mi ondina.
Those few vodyanoi with undines were bound to them by agreement;
Los pocos vodyanoi que tenían ondinas estaban unidos a ellas por acuerdos mutuos;
The undine swam in air, vast as a cloud, blotting out the sun.
La ondina nadaba en el aire, inmensa como una nube, tapando el sol.
joints that manufactured garden statuary, like gnomes, trolls, and undines;
talleres donde hacían estatuas de jardín, como enanitos, duendes y ondinas;
The great undine I saw was their creature, and less than their slave: their toy.
La gran ondina que vi era criatura suya, y menos que una esclava: un juguete.
The undine poured itself into the cargo hold, and the shaman kicked down into its bowels.
La ondina se derramó sobre el compartimiento de carga y el chamán se zambulló en sus entrañas.
She was fascinated by the Paracelsian earth spirits – sylphs, gnomes, undines and salamanders.
Le fascinaban los espíritus terrestres de Paracelso: sílfides, gnomos, ondinas y salamandras.
The Latin undines lacked a soul but could obtain one through marriage to a mortal.
Las ondinas latinas, que carecían de alma, pero que podían conseguirla casándose con un mortal.
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