Translation for "undeformed" to spanish
Translation examples
The building’s one of these late-model undeformed cubes of rough panel-brick and granite quoins.
El edificio es uno de aquellos modelos antiguos de cubo no deformado de ladrillo visto y piedras angulares de granito.
Joelle v.D. in her terry robe and gauze veil and still clutching a toothbrush has climbed out onto the little balcony outside the 5-Woman’s window and into a skinny ailanthus beside it and is coming down, showing about two meters of spectacularly undeformed thigh, shouting Gately’s name by the first name, which he likes.
Joelle van D., en su bata de felpa y el velo de gasa y aún aferrando un cepillo de dientes, se ha subido al pequeño balcón del ventanal del dormitorio de cinco plazas y empieza a descender por una enredadera mostrando dos metros de muslos espectacularmente no deformados y llama a Gately por su nombre de pila, algo que a él le gusta.
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