Translation for "unassailed" to spanish
Translation examples
6. Mr. PRADO VALLEJO observed that paragraph 5 was full of unassailable but general statements that provided little guidance in human rights law.
6. El Sr. PRADO VALLEJO observa que el párrafo 5 está repleto de observaciones irrebatibles, pero muy generales, que apenas orientan sobre el derecho relativo a los derechos humanos.
were convictions, and therefore unassailable.
Eran convicciones y, por tanto, irrebatibles.
Arminius was beyond reproach. Unassailable.
Arminio era intachable, irrebatible.
“Your position on the council would be unassailable,”
—Tu posición en el Consejo sería irrebatible.
It was an unassailable logic, Rebecca thought.
Una lógica irrebatible, pensó Rebecca.
His logic was unassailable, and this nettled them greatly.
Su 1ógíca era irrebatible, y esto les molestaba sobremanera.
It’s like trying to construct a perfect unassailable chess game.
Es como construir una partida de ajedrez irrebatible.
Was Dewey’s argument in Human Nature and Conduct_ unassailable?
¿Era irrebatible el argumento de Dewey en la Naturaleza humana y conducta?
this meant that by rigorous, unassailable logic, he himself was an ally of Terra whether he recognized it or not.
según la rigurosa e irrebatible lógica eso significaba que era aliado de Terra, lo quisiera o no.
It was, objectively, an unassailable argument, and yet the young Bride didn’t seem especially impressed.
Era, objetivamente, un argumento irrebatible; sin embargo, la Esposa joven no pareció especialmente impresionada.
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