Translation for "two trucks" to spanish
Two trucks
Translation examples
At approximately 8 a.m., he allowed two trucks to enter the dump from the compound.
A las 8.00 horas, aproximadamente, autorizó el paso de dos camiones del recinto al basurero.
They also stole two trucks.
También robaron dos camiones.
The latter managed to apprehend two trucks attempting to smuggle decorative stones into Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Estos interceptaron dos camiones que trataban de pasar de contrabando a Bosnia y Herzegovina piedras decorativas.
Two trucks were seen carrying soil away.
Se avistó a dos camiones que se llevaban la tierra.
In Novi Sad a load of cement was found hidden under flour in two trucks.
En Novi Sad se descubrió un alijo de cemento oculto bajo la harina que transportaban dos camiones.
These items were transported in two trucks, while five trucks were used to transport Ethiopian troops.
Los artículos se transportaron en dos camiones y los efectivos etíopes se trasladaron en cinco camiones.
Four SARC staff and volunteers were injured and two trucks damaged.
Cuatro empleados y voluntarios de la Media Luna Roja Árabe Siria resultaron heridos y dos camiones dañados.
They live on basic farming; the FFM observed a mechanized plough and harrow as well as two trucks.
Los habitantes se dedicaban a la agricultura de subsistencia; la misión observó un arado mecánico, un escarificador y dos camiones.
Two trucks at least
Dos camiones al menos.
Look at this. We got two trucks.
Tenemos dos camiones.
Two trucks, the plane.
Dos camiones, el avión.
We're down to two trucks.
Bajamos con dos camiones.
They had to take two trucks to...
Necesitaron dos camiones...
Correction, two trucks.
Corrección, dos camiones.
They're down to two trucks.
Están bajando dos camiones.
Two trucks are approaching.
Dos camiones entran al recinto.
-How many left? -At least two truckfuls.
Dos camiones llenos.
They climbed into the cabs of the two trucks.
Se subieron a las cabinas de los dos camiones.
We get the two trucks, and one car.
Conseguimos los dos camiones y un coche.
They have two trucks of their own and an Italian Lancia.
Tienen sus dos camiones y un Lancia italiano.
“There’s two trucks inside, parked side by side.
—Hay dos camiones aparcados uno al lado del otro.
Bad luck: there were only two trucks.
Mala suerte: sólo había dos camiones.
First two trucks to your starting position.
—Los primeros dos camiones a su posición de arranque.
Suitcases were confiscated and loaded onto two trucks.
Se llevaron sus maletas y las cargaron en dos camiones.
Two trucks were burnt out on the other side of the road.
Dos camiones habían ardido al otro lado de la carretera.
Six buses and two trucks were making the journey.
De camino iban seis autobuses y dos camiones.
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