Similar context phrases
Translation examples
He sat savouring the silence, and then began to twang at his guitar.
Se quedó sentado, saboreando el silencio, y luego empezó a puntear la guitarra.
The girl started plucking the strings of the instrument, creating a twanging oriental melody, sinister in its strangeness.
La chica empezó a puntear las cuerdas del instrumento creando una vibrante melodía oriental, siniestra por su rareza.
the other was a man's face and round and broad it was, like those Moldavian pumpkins, called gorlyanki from which in our good country balalaikas are made, two-stringed light balalaikas, the adornment and delight of a nimble young rustic just out of his teens, the cock of his walk and a great one at whistling through his teeth and winking his eye at the white-bosomed and white-necked country-lasses who cluster around in order to listen to the delicate twanging of his strings." (This young yokel was transformed by Isabel Hapgood in her translation into "the susceptible youth of twenty who walks blinking along in his dandified way.")
la otra era de hombre, redonda y ancha, como esas calabazas de Moldavia llamadas gorlianki, con las que en nuestro país se hacen balalaicas, ligeras balalaicas de dos cuerdas, ornato y regocijo del fachendoso rústico de apenas veinte años, osado y presumido, que guiña el ojo y silba a las mozas campesinas de pecho y cuello blancos cuando se reúnen para escuchar a su guitarrista de suave puntear.» (Este joven gañán fue transformado por Isabel Hapgood en su traducción en «el susceptible joven de veinte años que camina parpadeando con gesto relamido».)
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