Translation for "tutorage" to spanish
Translation examples
It seems you have begun to question the will of the Ori, or is it the unbeliever under your tutorage that has corrupted you.
Parece que has comenzado a cuestionar la voluntad de los Ori, o es que esa infiel bajo tu tutoría... ¿te ha corrompido?
tutorage doesn’t cover our costs, and most of the parents are behind anyway.
la tutoría no cubre los gastos y de todos modos la mayoría de los padres tardan en pagar.
He even commenced to acquire the rudiments of their language under the pleasant tutorage of the brown–eyed girl. It was with real regret that he saw them depart, and he sat his horse at the opening to the pass, as far as which he had accompanied them, gazing after the little party as long as he could catch a glimpse of them. Here were people after his own heart!
Incluso empezó a aprender los rudimentos de su lenguaje bajo la agradable tutoría de la hermosa joven de ojos castaños. Los acompañó hasta el paso, los despidió con auténtico pesar y per maneció largo rato en la silla; estuvo contemplándolos hasta que se perdieron de vista en la lejanía. ¡Eran personas afines a su forma de ser, sentir y pensar!
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